Christian Heritage Academy by Tami Low, Elementary Headmaster
The Mighty Works of God series has been such a beneficial gift to our school because of the way it supports our school’s philosophy of teaching History from a Providential view in which God, as Creator and sustainer of His Story, has been and continues to be actively working His plan of salvation for mankind. This underlying theme is seen clearly through each lesson of Mrs. Smith’s work.
Our teachers have also found this series to strongly support our methodology of educating students. At Christian Heritage Academy, we train students in the Principle Approach methodology, also recognized as “Biblical reasoning”. Our students learn to reason through the events of History from a Biblical worldview. One way the series assists with this is by the solid historical content, clearly identifying God’s providential hand in His Story. With so many History products available, it can be difficult discerning between truth and revisionism. Lesson notes, activities and assignments give students practical experience in developing thinking skills as well as opportunities to reason through a Biblical worldview lens. Another way The Mighty Works of God supports our methodology is that Biblical principles and leading ideas are clearly laid out in a very usable format. This is great in that it assists all of our teachers, those who are new to the Principle Approach as well as the veteran teachers, in guiding them directly into truth and equips them with the ability to teach more practically.
I have found the materials in this series to be extremely helpful in my own lesson planning because I can trust them and by doing so helps cut down the time involved in researching and finding innovative ways of teaching students to reason Biblically. This might seem to undermine my growth as a teacher because everything has been done for me; however, I have found that while these materials are very thorough, they are written in a way that actually causes me to desire to know more. I have found them to be a springboard into my own personal growth and study. It is my prayer that as I extend this experience to my students, they too will be changed and desire to learn more about the Great Author of History. I highly recommend The Mighty Works of God to anyone, be he or she a student of History or one who teaches others.