Radio Interviews
Radio Interviews –
Bradford Press was at the International Christian Retail Show in Orlando, FL, on July 15-18, 2012. Click on this link to hear Mrs. Ruth Smith in an interview with Dr. David Yanez of RevMedia discussing aspects of how the Lord led and inspired her to begin the ministry of Bradford Press. The interview also covers the development of our new study series, Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations, which is directed toward individual or small group study. Mrs. Smith answers the following questions, among many others:
Where does our nation stand in relation to biblical values? How can individuals work to effect change in our nation?
Another interview from Orlando aired on Tuesday, October 9, at 6pm with Cindy Sproles of Mountain Breeze Ministries. The audio of this interview can be found at the following website: Christian Devotions Speak UP! This audio clip includes several interviews from the ICRS. Mrs. Smith’s interview is found at the end of this clip near the 64:15 minute and second marker.